Aries, It’s a romantic day, one when you’ll be pursuing your highest ideals. Taurus, Listen to experienced colleagues. Gemini, The correct way for you to go at the moment is towards ethical actions and high standards.
ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr. 20): turn down lively opportunities
It’s a romantic day, one when you’ll be pursuing your highest ideals. The risky planetary situation is compounded by lunar influences which create confusion. One option you may wish to consider today is to turn down lively opportunities and go for peace and quiet.
TAURUS (Apr. 21 – May 21): cut your reliance on partners
Listen to experienced colleagues. Unless you follow cautious advice, you might find that plans or projects already in the pipeline may have to be abandoned because of others’ lack of support and assistance. Still, it could be good for you to cut your reliance on partners.
GEMINI (May 22 – June 21): Be graceful if others offend you
The correct way for you to go at the moment is towards ethical actions and high standards. Be graceful if others offend you and be charitable if you see that they are in need of your help. You may be annoyed and irritated with them, but you still need to do your best.
CANCER (June 22 – July 23): don’t allow your goodwill to be taken for granted
However much you would like to be the centre of attention, if you are a typical Cancerian you will find it very difficult to be truly selfish this week. Something keeps pulling you back to the need to put others’ interests first. Just don’t allow your goodwill to be taken for granted.
LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23): The time is coming for a change of job
Mercury’s position is still favourable, so what you are now told or discover could place an old situation in a new light. If at all possible, please do put extra energy into all professional aspirations. The time is coming for a change of job, or at least extra responsibilities.
VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23): recognise that partners have rights
The Moon is playing a fresh role in your relationships, stirring up your deepest needs, feelings and desires. What you have to do now is recognise that partners have rights, too. Or, in plain English, you’d better get on with other people – or else!
LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23): you’ll save yourself time and effort next week
Nobody understands better than you that sometimes, like now, it is prudent to walk away from upsetting situations. You should also observe the old adage that it is best to be magnanimous in victory. If you begin to turn your attention to domestic repairs, then you’ll save yourself time and effort next week.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22): emotional complications may put you on the right track
Quite aside from the difficulties posed by planets influencing both domestic and professional sectors of your chart, others, influencing travel and adventure, are utterly favourable. Surprisingly, emotional complications may put you on the right track.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 22): Team up with people who are more experienced than you
As Venus moves from one set of relationships to another, a number of points may be cleared up. For a start, older friends are the best, especially where money is concerned. Team up with people who are more experienced than you. And don’t be too proud to ask for help.
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CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 – Jan. 20): an all-or-nothing situation
No matter how hard you try to control your financial affairs, you always seem to end up somehow failing to maximise your profits. This is very much an all-or-nothing situation. Hopefully you’ve learnt well from recent lessons, and you’re now a winner rather than a loser.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19): you will soon be facing a profitable monetary choice
I know that you may find it hard to believe, but something truly worthwhile will emerge from all the struggles you are going through. You can only go up if you’ve been down, first. Great things await! Plus, of course, you will soon be facing a profitable monetary choice.
PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar 20): let sleeping dogs lie
Let others make the running. There is no need for you to dive in first if you feel that the waters of life are looking rather too risky. A Fish you may be, but you must still watch out for sharks. Above all, you now have to decide whether to face a deep emotional issue, or let sleeping dogs lie.
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