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Irreplaceable, unforgettable triumph: Airtel revives 2011 World Cup magic with #ShareYourCheer | Business News

Published on October 27, 2023 by admin

Irreplaceable, unforgettable triumph: Airtel revives 2011 World Cup magic with #ShareYourCheer | Business News


The Indian team has started the world cup on a positive note, taking a top spot in the standings and aim to remain undefeated in their quest. The Men in Blue have maintained a remarkable performance, giving the population across the country a glimpse back at the 2011 triumph. Words can never do justice to what a moment it was for every Indian when India lifted the ICC World Cup trophy for the second time, in 2011 at the jam-packed Wankhede Stadium. 

Back then, the pressure was tremendous, and it was becoming heightened with every tick on the scoreboard clock and every pass. The crowd held their breaths, a sea of over a billion hearts pounded with hopes, aspirations, and expectations. The country was in a state of anxious prayer, anticipating a win. 

With the winning shot, the stadium erupted with thunderous applause and cheers!

Things end, but memories last forever. We are sure the memories would have come flashing back and you can relive that nostalgia again! How? All thanks to Airtel! Airtel makes the country relive the rush, excitement, and thrill of the fantastic moments leading up to us lifting the world cup. In its own unique way of paying tribute to the cricket fans across the nation, the Airtel team is replying to the cheer-worthy tweets from 2011, re-connecting with cricket enthusiasts to keep up with the zeal for ICC WC 2023. It’s their way of helping us know that we can go louder, and better for team India just as networks have evolved to get better, so can our cheers. Take a look at some of the quirky tweets:

The fans are reminded of the historic night that had everyone high on emotions when a billion dreams came true. The cricket fans could barely control the thrill of the win and celebrated their hearts out with music, dance, and camaraderie out in the streets and at home!

Airtel 5G Plus – uniting the enduring spirit of India

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As the means of expression have evolved with the advent of technology and social media, Airtel 5G Plus brings a new age of high-speed internet, building the finest network to deliver the best experience for its customers like with ultra-high-definition video. Being the future-ready network, Airtel 5G Plus aims to deliver speeds up to 30 times faster for customers in India to stream ICC Men’s World Cup 2023 matches on mobile devices, ensuring users can enjoy the match anytime, anywhere! 

Festive offer

The new 5G networks can handle larger amounts of data and will be less congested, which means users will be able to connect to an improved network experience, get uninterrupted coverage, and enjoy faster upload speed across ICC WC stadiums, major towns, cities, and villages. 

Bring your A-Game with #ShareYourCheer

With #ShareYourCheer campaign, Airtel assures customers that every cheer by cricket fans goes a long way in lifting the spirits of the players. So, with the commitment to relive the undying spirit and depths of emotions for this World Cup season, Airtel offers the millions of India’s cricket fans who breathe life into the game, to share their biggest cheer for the Men in Blue and stand a chance to win exciting surprises!

#ShareYourCheer #ShareYourCheer for Team India


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