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Check astrological prediction for Leo, Virgo and other signs

Published on November 15, 2023 by admin

Check astrological prediction for Leo, Virgo and other signs


Aries, There is a lot to be said for keeping your own counsel now…Taurus, In order to minimise misunderstandings over the next few days, why don’t you try to be more subtle and diplomatic? Gemini Your planets are approaching a very special aspect…

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: looking forward to new interests 
There is a lot to be said for keeping your own counsel now, yet someone special does still need to be kept informed as to your movements and whereabouts. It’s all a matter of careful judgment – and that you have in abundance. Actually, you’re now looking forward to new interests – perhaps surprising people who thought they knew you well.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: try to be as organised 
In order to minimise misunderstandings over the next few days, why don’t you try to be more subtle and diplomatic? Also, do try to be as organised and practical as possible in all your working and routine affairs. Not that I think you’ll have any trouble, of course!

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Events early next week can only confirm this picture.
Your planets are approaching a very special aspect, which means that whatever is discussed, agreed and finalised over the next few days, will have a profound impact on your most personal aspirations. Events early next week can only confirm this picture.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: try a little gentle persuasion.
Cut through confusion, opposition and indecision at home like a hot knife through butter. It is time to adopt a definite stance and stick to it through thick and thin. Partners will respect your courage. On the other hand, if you truly want to get your own way at home, try a little gentle persuasion.

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LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: set some time aside next week.
There is a lot to be said for making domestic and family plans now. It will help if you see coming meetings or arrangements as marking a significant break with the past and the first of a series of magnificent pointers towards the future. If you’re preparing for a major romantic adventure, set some time aside next week.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: assist your long-term fortunes
The need for financial security is a general theme in your life. However, when recent initiatives bear fruit you will see that you have done much to assist your long-term fortunes, albeit in a down-beat way. But, then, that’s you all over; the master – or mistress – of understatement!

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: any nervousness should clear up 
You really don’t need to prove anything. You have accomplished enough recently to be able to rest on your laurels, at least for a little while. All that is needed is a boost to your generally rather shaky self-image. I have a feeling that any nervousness should clear up over the next three days.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: It’s all down to the gradual movements of magnetic Mars
Those who imagine that you have given up the will to fight back are soon to receive a shock. You must believe in yourself and realise that within two weeks you will once again be about to go on the offensive. It’s all down to the gradual movements of magnetic Mars, your planetary ruler.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Draw on all your deepest experience
A very specific planetary aspect today has a very general meaning. You must therefore try to reach a definite and final decision concerning some of your very broad, long-term aims and ambitions. Draw on all your deepest experience to make the right choices.

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CAPRICORNHOROSCOPE TODAY: take the initiative.
The last thing you want to do now is blot your copy-book at work. Therefore, be firm and decisive by all means, but do allow other people to have their say and pay careful heed to their advice. If justice and fair play is called for, you should take the initiative.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: take the most serious possible look at the future.
A battle of principle may be worth fighting. But what you must consider now is what, if any, sacrifices are worth making. Some people believe that the end justifies the means, but you may rightly disagree. With Saturn now so significantly aligned, this is a time for taking the most serious possible look at the future.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: keep a watch on escalating costs.
Some astrologers would not consider that the Moon’s position today is a particularly helpful one from your point of view. However, the fact that lunar alignments are encouraging peace and understanding must make you feel better. But keep a watch on escalating costs.


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